KeePass opiniones 2024: Por qué 6.4?

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Marlene Baiton
Marlene Baiton Editora
Actualizado: 6 de junio de 2024
Verificado por Sam Boyd
Marlene Baiton
Marlene Baiton
Publicado el: 6 de junio de 2024 Editora

Análisis de KeePass: Resumen rápido de experto

Por desgracia, por el momento no hay análisis disponibles de este gestor de contraseñas. Si quieres compartir tus opiniones sobre este producto, te animamos a dejar un comentario más abajo. Haremos todo lo posible por publicar un análisis detallado de KeePass pronto, pero, mientras tanto, puedes echar un vistazo a nuestros análisis de los mejores gestores de contraseñas de 2024, como 1Password y Dashlane. También puedes consultar directamente nuestra lista de los mejores gestores de contraseñas del mercado aquí.

KeePass Productos y precios

KeePass Password Safe Free
0,00 US$ / año
Los anuncios que aparecen en esta web proceden de empresas de las que recibimos una remuneración y algunas son copropiedad de nuestra empresa matriz. Esto influye: el rango y la forma en que se presentan los listados. 
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Sobre el Autor

Sobre el Autor

Marlene Baiton es parte del equipo editorial de SafetyDetectives. Tiene una década de experiencia como redactora y editora en una amplia gama de nichos, desde tecnología hasta fitness. Como entusiasta del senderismo, el running y el ciclismo, le encanta pasar su tiempo libre en los senderos o carreteras con su familia.

Password Managers Comparison

Chequea los mejores 3 administradores de contraseñas alternativos
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KeePass reseñas de usuarios

*Las opiniones de los usuarios no están verificadas

37 0
Basado en 37 reseñas en 5 idiomas 9.8
¡La confianza de nuestros usuarios es nuestra prioridad número 1! Las compañías antivirus no podrán pagar para cambiar o eliminar revisiones.
Bill de Haan
Bill de Haan
Happy user since 2003
Windows usuario
One of the reasons I've stuck with KeePass over the years was that it was the *only* password manager that (a) supported all the platforms I used (Windows, Linux, Android, IOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry), and (b) it allowed for multiple database files.

That last bit cannot be underscored. I have a general password database that's on my phone, my tablet, my PC, etc. for all my non-critical passwords, like GMail, Outlook, and various websites. But I also have a dedicated database for my bank, my ProtonMail account, Amazon, etc. That database is only on my primary PC (which has rotating backups on encrypted media in locked safes).

What that means is that even if someone (1) stole my phone, and (2) cracked my Android phone security to...Mostrar más
Cryptic Al
Cryptic Al
Reino Unido
I Love Keepass
Windows usuario
Granted, there's not a lot of handholding, but once you get over that, the possibilities are endless. I use it with the Kee Chrome plugin (also works with Brave) for storing and autofilling username and password fields.
I now have unique, complex passwords for every site I use, if one was to get compromised, all of my other accounts will be safe.
I also use the KeyOTP plugin to store 2FA / Google authenticator seeds which now get autofilled without messing around with my phone.
For Linux nerds, you can store your SSH private key and passphrase and use it with Pageant for seamless, passwordless access to servers via putty :)
Keepass blows everything else out of the water.
Xege Hah
Xege Hah
Keepass is best in security for password
Windows usuario
Keepass manage all passwords securily in encrypted in local device
Keepass is best in security for password
Windows usuario
Keepass manage all passwords securily in encrypted in local device
Windows usuario
I haven't tried anything else. Why try when you know you have the best password software. I have looked at the so called "consumer" grade that friends us and turned them on to KeePass. After 5 minutes of a quick tutorial they will not go back to that other crap. hey even my wife uses it and she is as non techie as they come. So there you go!
Andrew Keating
Andrew Keating
KeepassXC, same but better
Linux usuario
Keepass is actually very easy to learn and the if you wish, use KeepassXC, they have a few improvements worth the shift.
L Jangel
L Jangel
Estados Unidos
Love it!
iOS usuario
I’ve been using KeePass for years. I like the interface 90s feel and am tired of over stylized rounded button fluffy GUIs. The security is where it packs it’s punch. I copy my KDBX to OneDrive and then to my phone. Easy to do and I don’t have to second guess a cloud service having all my passwords and the risk of a service provider security breach.
Excellent UI
Windows usuario
I don't understand the hate towards the UI, I'm tired of round, overly designed, unnecessarily animated software. This is beautiful as it is functional, with a vintage 90's feel. I love the look of it. It was also easy to use, I don't consider myself too techy but one youtube tutorial was enough to get a simple run-down of the functions, just like any new software I choose to use. I'm switching from Dashlane.
user avatar
Jack Mindy
Yes, yes and again yes!
It looks like standard software, it works like standard software, it has a clean and straightforward interface.

Is this another case of 'uhhh, can only handle iPhone'?

Liek the others, been using it,...Mostrar más
Estados Unidos
Easy to use
Windows usuario
Have used Keepass for over 8 years and it works great.
Reino Unido
Piece of piss
iOS usuario
Who cares what it looks like as long as it does the job. Keepass does it so it's a win. I'll never go back to Lastpass and I'd used that for nigh on ten years. All the others might look pretty but as I said what's the point when you get the same functionality with Keepass
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