US$ Dólar de EEUU
US$ Dólar de EEUU€ Euro£ Libra esterlinaAED Dirham de EAUAR$ Peso argentinoAU$ Dólar australianoBGN Lev búlgaroR$ Real brasileñoCA$ Dólar canadienseCHF Franco suizoCLP Peso chilenoCN¥ Yuan chinoCOP Peso colombianoCZK Corona checaDKK Corona danesaEGP Libra egipciaHK$ Dólar de Hong KongHUF Florín húngaroIDR Rupia indonesia₪ Nuevo shéquel israelíINR Rupia indiaJP¥ Yen japonés₩ Won surcoreanoMX$ Peso mexicanoMYR Ringgit malayoNOK Corona noruegaNZ$ Dólar neozelandésPLN Zloty polacoRON Nuevo leu rumanoRUB Rublo rusoSAR Rial sauditaSEK Corona suecaSGD Dólar de Singapur฿ Baht tailandésTRY Lira turcaNT$ Dólar de TaiwanUAH Hryvnia de Ucrania₫ Dong VietnamitaZAR Rand sudafricano
Maciej Grzymkowski
As a Content Writer for SafetyDetectives, Maciej specializes in data privacy and security, and has also worked on numerous reviews of security programs. Maciej’s commitment to quality research – whether it’s analyzing security trends, or compiling the very best industry statistics – helps to ensure his pieces deliver accurate and useful information.
Before joining SafetyDetectives, Maciej wrote for a prominent UK digital marketing agency while also working as a freelancer. During this time, Maciej covered technology and cybersecurity topics in-depth, and had pieces published with sites like TechEngage.
When he’s not writing content for SafetyDetectives, Maciej spends time learning how to code and keeping up to date with the latest cybersecurity news.